Afro Books

  • What would a LIBRARY BE Without BOOKS?
    • What would a LIBRAY BE Without STORIES?
      • How would a LIBRARY FEEL Without POETRY?

This section is at the HEART of this site?

You will discover the African heritage, from all generations, from all countries for incredible inspiration.
Meanwhile, we may stop by to gaze as well as what the world got as greatest writers or books, in search of     inspiration.
Often, we will use some guidance : a defined THEME, some BREAKING NEWS, just for inspiration.
No standard format,  a book review, some poetry sharing, few words, small books all themselves. Only one goal: your inspiration.
When you leave this section, you should feel DIFFERENT, ENERGIZED, READY FOR NEW HEIGHTS, INSPIRED!!
Have fun reading, feel free to share, feel free to comment.
This space is your space.

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