Le paresseux-

Hello Peeps,

Ok. This one is funny. I am a little naughty girl sometimes, making fun of others (it is not cool, I will change). What it includes is that I have some type of people which are official targets for my laughter crisis. One of this group is the « lazy people ». Can you imagine yourself doing nothing all day every day? Apparently it seems to be a normal world for some people and some years ago I stopped to write about them. I don’t only make fun of others but also of myself. When I read this poem, I always have a smile as the style is very scholar. I was 14 and it was fun writing. Read and spread the fun (or not).


Gaston Lagaffe, the exceptionnal Lazy man.

Le paresseux

Arriver en retard en cours
Se faire battre
Avoir des heures de colle

C’était le travail du paresseux.

Jouer au football
Du matin au soir
S’affaler devant la télé

C’était le travail du paresseux

Mentir à ses parents
Ne pas aider ses parents
Avoir des mauvaises notes

C’était le travail du paresseux

Il n’a jamais fait d’efforts,
En définitive

Paresseux, il fut
Paresseux, il est
Paresseux, il sera.

Ca c’est un paresseux. /-


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